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Macros for the Blog application
Last modified by superadmin on 2016/12/20 10:05
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1: {{include reference="Blog.BlogParameters"/}} 2: 3: {{velocity output="false"}} 4: ## 5: ## 6: ## 7: ## Import the blog skin and javascripts. 8: $!xwiki.ssx.use($blogStyleDocumentName)## 9: $!xwiki.jsx.use($blogScriptsDocumentName)## 10: ## 11: ## 12: ## 13: #** 14: * Prints a blog. This is the main macro used in the BlogSheet. 15: * 16: * @param blogDoc the XDocument holding the blog definition object. 17: *### 18: #macro(printBlog $blogDoc) 19: {{include reference='Blog.CreatePost'/}} 20: #getBlogEntries($blogDoc $entries) 21: #displayBlog($entries 'index' true true) 22: #displayNavigationLinks($blogDoc) 23: #end 24: ## 25: ## 26: ## 27: #** 28: * Shows blog information. In view mode, the description is printed. In edit mode, allows changing blog settings: title, 29: * description, blog type (global or in-space), index display type (fixed size pagination, weekly index, monthly index, 30: * all entries). 31: * 32: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 33: *### 34: #macro(showBlogInfo $blogDoc) 35: #if($blogDoc.getObject($blogClassname)) 36: ## Keep testing for inline action for backward compatibility with older blogs. 37: #if($xcontext.action == 'edit' || $xcontext.action == 'inline') 38: #macro(displayProperty $blogDoc $propname) 39: ; #displayPropName($xwiki.getClass($blogClassname).get($propname)): 40: : $blogDoc.display($propname) 41: #end 42: #displayProperty($blogDoc 'title') 43: #displayProperty($blogDoc 'description') 44: #displayProperty($blogDoc 'blogType') 45: #displayProperty($blogDoc 'displayType') 46: #displayProperty($blogDoc 'itemsPerPage') 47: #else 48: $blogDoc.display('description') 49: #end 50: #elseif($doc.fullName == $blogSheet) 51: = $services.localization.render('') = 52: {{translation key=''/}} 53: #else 54: {{warning}}{{translation key=''/}}{{/warning}} 55: #end 56: #end 57: ## 58: ## 59: ## 60: #** 61: * Retrieve the blog document, which usually is either <tt><Space>.WebHome</tt> for whole-spaces blogs, or 62: * <tt><Space>.Blog</tt> for in-space blogs. If none of these documents contains a blog object, then the first 63: * (alphabetically) document in the target space that contains one is returned. Finally, if no document in the current 64: * space contains a blog object, then <tt>Blog.WebHome</tt> is returned as the default blog. 65: * 66: * @param space A <tt>String</tt>, the name of the space where to search. 67: * @param blogDoc The resulting XDocument. 68: *### 69: #macro(getBlogDocument $space $blogDoc) 70: ## First, try the Space.WebHome, for a whole-space blog 71: #set($result = $xwiki.getDocument("${space}.WebHome")) 72: #if(!$result.getObject($blogClassname)) 73: ## Second, try the Space.Blog document 74: #set($result = $xwiki.getDocument("${space}.Blog")) 75: #if(!$result.getObject($blogClassname)) 76: ## Third, try searching for a blog document in the current space 77: #set($blogDocs = $services.query.hql(", BaseObject obj where = ? and = doc.fullName and obj.className = '$blogClassname' order by").setLimit(1).setOffset(0).bindValues([${space}]).execute()) 78: #if($blogDocs.size() > 0) 79: #set($result = $xwiki.getDocument($blogDocs.get(0))) 80: #else 81: ## Last, fallback to Blog.WebHome, the default blog 82: #set($result = $xwiki.getDocument('Blog.WebHome')) 83: #end 84: #end 85: #end 86: #set ($blogDoc = $NULL) 87: #setVariable ("$blogDoc" $result) 88: #end 89: ## 90: ## 91: ## 92: #** 93: * Retrieve the blog title. 94: * 95: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass<tt> object with the <tt>title</tt> property set. 96: * @param title The resulting title. 97: *### 98: #macro(getBlogTitle $blogDoc $title) 99: ## Titles can contain velocity code (most commonly translations), so we should evaluate them. 100: #set ($title = $NULL) 101: #setVariable ("$title" $!blogDoc.displayTitle) 102: #end 103: ## 104: ## 105: ## 106: #** 107: * Retrieve the blog description. 108: * 109: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object with the <tt>description</tt> 110: * property set. 111: * @param description The resulting description. 112: *### 113: #macro(getBlogDescription $blogDoc $description) 114: #getBlogProperty($blogDoc 'description' '' $result) 115: #set ($description = $NULL) 116: #setVariable ("$description" $result) 117: #end 118: ## 119: ## 120: ## 121: #** 122: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. The entries are either part of the blog's space, or have the blog 123: * document set as a parent. The number and range of entries returned (from all those belonging to this blog) depends on 124: * the blog display type: paginated (fixed number of entries), weekly (all entries in a week), monthly (all entries in a 125: * month), or all. 126: * 127: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 128: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 129: *### 130: #macro(getBlogEntries $blogDoc $entries) 131: #if (!$entries) 132: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 133: #end 134: #getBlogEntriesBaseQuery($query) 135: #isBlogGlobal($blogDoc $isGlobal) 136: #if(!$isGlobal) 137: #set($query = "${query} and ( = '${}' or doc.parent = '${blogDoc.fullName}')") 138: #end 139: #getBlogDisplayType($blogDoc $displayType) 140: #if($displayType == 'weekly') 141: #getWeeklyBlogEntries($blogDoc $query $entries) 142: #elseif($displayType == 'monthly') 143: #getMonthlyBlogEntries($blogDoc $query $entries) 144: #elseif($displayType == 'all') 145: #getAllBlogEntries($blogDoc $query $entries) 146: #else 147: #getPagedBlogEntries($blogDoc $query $entries) 148: #end 149: #end 150: ## 151: ## 152: ## 153: #** 154: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. The entries are taken from a "page" of the blog, a sequence of documents 155: * defined by the request parameters <tt>ipp</tt> (items per page) and <tt>page</tt> (the current page). Initially the 156: * first page is displayed, with the number of entries defined in the blog object in the <tt>itemsPerPage</tt> property 157: * (10 if not defined). 158: * 159: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 160: * @param query The base query for selecting entries. Apart from the base query that selects entries, it can further be 161: * refined to restrict to a given space, or to a given search criteria, etc. 162: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 163: *### 164: #macro(getPagedBlogEntries $blogDoc $query $entries) 165: #if (!$entries) 166: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 167: #end 168: #set($totalEntries = $services.query.hql($query).count()) 169: #getBlogProperty($blogDoc 'itemsPerPage' '10' $defaultItemsPerPage) 170: #set($defaultItemsPerPage = $mathtool.toInteger($defaultItemsPerPage)) 171: ## This macro is defined in the default macros.vm library. It also sets $itemsPerPage and $startAt. 172: #preparePagedViewParams($totalEntries $defaultItemsPerPage) 173: #set($discard = $entries.addAll($services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").setLimit($itemsPerPage).setOffset($startAt).execute())) 174: #end 175: ## 176: ## 177: ## 178: #** 179: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. The entries are taken from a week of the blog. The target week is 180: * defined by the request parameters <tt>week</tt> (the week number in the year, from 1 to 52) and <tt>year</tt> (4 181: * digit year). Initially the current week is displayed. 182: * 183: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 184: * @param query The base query for selecting entries. Apart from the base query that selects entries, it can further be 185: * refined to restrict to a given space, or to a given search criteria, etc. 186: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 187: *### 188: #macro(getWeeklyBlogEntries $blogDoc $query $entries) 189: #if (!$entries) 190: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 191: #end 192: #getRequestedWeek($weekDate) 193: #set($dateFormatter = $xwiki.jodatime.getDateTimeFormatterForPattern('yyyy-MM-dd')) 194: #set($minDay = $dateFormatter.print($weekDate.toMutableDateTime().weekOfWeekyear().roundFloor())) 195: #set($maxDay = $dateFormatter.print($weekDate.toMutableDateTime().weekOfWeekyear().roundCeiling())) 196: #set($query = "${query} and publishDate.value >= '$minDay' and publishDate.value < '$maxDay'") 197: #set($totalEntries = $services.query.hql($query).count()) 198: #set($discard = $entries.addAll($services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").execute())) 199: #end 200: ## 201: ## 202: ## 203: #** 204: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. The entries are taken from a month of the blog. The target month is 205: * defined by the request parameters <tt>month</tt> (the month number, from 1 to 12) and <tt>year</tt> (4 206: * digit year). Initially the current month is displayed. 207: * 208: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 209: * @param query The base query for selecting entries. Apart from the base query that selects entries, it can further be 210: * refined to restrict to a given space, or to a given search criteria, etc. 211: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 212: *### 213: #macro(getMonthlyBlogEntries $blogDoc $query $entries) 214: #if (!$entries) 215: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 216: #end 217: #getRequestedMonth($monthDate) 218: #set($dateFormatter = $xwiki.jodatime.getDateTimeFormatterForPattern('yyyy-MM-dd')) 219: #set($minDay = $dateFormatter.print($monthDate.toMutableDateTime().monthOfYear().roundFloor())) 220: #set($maxDay = $dateFormatter.print($monthDate.toMutableDateTime().monthOfYear().roundCeiling())) 221: #set($query = "${query} and publishDate.value >= '$minDay' and publishDate.value < '$maxDay'") 222: #set($totalEntries = $services.query.hql($query).count()) 223: #set($discard = $entries.addAll($services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").execute())) 224: #end 225: ## 226: ## 227: ## 228: #** 229: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. All entries belonging to the current blog are returned. 230: * 231: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 232: * @param query The base query for selecting entries. Apart from the base query that selects entries, it can further be 233: * refined to restrict to a given space, or to a given search criteria, etc. 234: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 235: *### 236: #macro(getAllBlogEntries $blogDoc $query $entries) 237: #if (!$entries) 238: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 239: #end 240: #set($totalEntries = $services.query.hql($query).count()) 241: #set($discard = $entries.addAll($services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").execute())) 242: #end 243: ## 244: ## 245: ## 246: #** 247: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. Only (and all) unpublished entries are returned. 248: * 249: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 250: * @param query The base query for selecting entries. Apart from the base query that selects entries, it can further be 251: * refined to restrict to a given space, or to a given search criteria, etc. 252: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 253: *### 254: #macro(getUnpublishedBlogEntries $blogDoc $query $entries) 255: #if (!$entries) 256: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 257: #end 258: #set($query = "${query} and isPublished.value = 0") 259: #set($totalEntries = $services.query.hql($query).count()) 260: #set($discard = $entries.addAll($services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").execute())) 261: #end 262: ## 263: ## 264: ## 265: #** 266: * Retrieves a list of entries to be displayed. The entries are taken from all the wiki, and not from a specific blog. 267: * 268: * @param entries The resulting list of entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 269: *### 270: #macro(getGlobalBlogEntries $entries) 271: #if (!$entries) 272: #setVariable ("$entries" []) 273: #end 274: #getBlogEntriesBaseQuery($query) 275: #set($totalEntries = $services.query.hql($query).count()) 276: #set($defaultItemsPerPage = 20) 277: ## This macro is defined in the default macros.vm library. It also sets $itemsPerPage and $startAt. 278: #preparePagedViewParams($totalEntries $defaultItemsPerPage) 279: #set($discard = $entries.addAll($services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").setLimit($itemsPerPage).setOffset($startAt).execute())) 280: #end 281: ## 282: ## 283: ## 284: #** 285: * Return the base query for selecting blog entries. It filters only visible entries, but does not bind to a specific 286: * blog, nor specify a range or an ordering criteria. 287: * 288: * @param query The basic query for selecting blog entries. 289: *### 290: #macro(getBlogEntriesBaseQuery $query) 291: #set ($query = $NULL) 292: #setVariable ("$query" ", BaseObject obj, IntegerProperty isPublished, IntegerProperty hidden, DateProperty publishDate 293: where doc.fullName <> '${blogPostTemplate}' and 294: = doc.fullName and obj.className = '${blogPostClassname}' and 295: = and = 'publishDate' and 296: = and = 'published' and 297: = and = 'hidden' and 298: (doc.creator = '$xcontext.user' or (isPublished.value = 1 and hidden.value = 0))") 299: #end 300: ## 301: ## 302: ## 303: #** 304: * Checks if the provided blog is global or in-space. 305: * 306: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object with the <tt>blogType</tt> property set. 307: * @param isGlobal The resulting boolean. If the blog object does not define anything, it is considered in-space. 308: *### 309: #macro(isBlogGlobal $blogDoc $isGlobal) 310: #getBlogProperty($blogDoc 'blogType' '' $discard) 311: #set ($result = false) 312: #if($discard == 'global') 313: #set($result = true) 314: #end 315: #set ($isGlobal = $NULL) 316: #setVariable ("$isGlobal" $result) 317: #end 318: ## 319: ## 320: ## 321: #** 322: * Determines how is the blog index split into pages: paginated (fixed number of entries), weekly (all entries in a 323: * week), monthly (all entries in a month), or all. 324: * 325: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object with the <tt>displayType</tt> 326: * property set. 327: * @param displayType The resulting string. If the blog object does not define anything, it is considered paginated. 328: *### 329: #macro(getBlogDisplayType $blogDoc $displayType) 330: #getBlogProperty($blogDoc 'displayType' 'paginated' $result) 331: #set ($displayType = $NULL) 332: #setVariable ("$displayType" $result) 333: #end 334: ## 335: ## 336: ## 337: #** 338: * Displays a list of entries. 339: * 340: * @param entries The entries to display, a list of XDocument names. 341: * @param displaying What exactly is displayed: blog index, a single blog entry, a blog category, search results, 342: * unpublished entries, etc. This will be used as the classname(s) for the container div (hfeed). Currently 343: * used values: index, single, category, search, unpublished, hidden. 344: * @param onlyExtract If <tt>true</tt>, only display the extract of articles where available, otherwise display the full content. 345: * @param shouldDisplayTitles If <tt>true</tt>, display the blog title (blog posts shouldn't display the title when they're 346: * displayed alone on their page since it's the page title which is used in this case) 347: *### 348: #macro(displayBlog $entries $displaying $onlyExtract $shouldDisplayTitles) 349: #set($blogDay = '') 350: (% class="hfeed $!{displaying}" %)((( 351: (% class="blogDay" %)((( 352: #foreach ($entryDoc in $xwiki.wrapDocs($entries)) 353: #getEntryObject($entryDoc $entryObj) 354: ## Although all entries should have one of the two objects, better check to be sure. 355: #if("$!{entryObj}" != '') 356: #getEntryDate($entryDoc $entryObj $entryDate) 357: ## Display a "calendar sheet" for each day. All entries posted on the same day share one such sheet. 358: #set($entryDateStr = $xwiki.formatDate($entryDate, 'yyyyMMMMdd')) 359: #if($blogDay != $entryDateStr) 360: #if($blogDay != '') 361: ))) 362: (% class="blogDay" %)((( 363: #end 364: #displayBlogDate($entryDate) 365: #set ($blogDay = $entryDateStr) 366: #end 367: ## Finally, display the entry. 368: #displayEntry($entryDoc $entryObj $onlyExtract $shouldDisplayTitles) 369: #end 370: #end 371: )))## blogDay 372: )))## hfeed 373: #end 374: ## 375: ## 376: ## 377: #** 378: * Get the entry object, either a new BlogPost or an old Article. 379: * 380: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 381: * @param entryObj The resulting xobject of the blog post. 382: *### 383: #macro(getEntryObject $entryDoc $__entryObj) 384: #set($result = $entryDoc.getObject("${blogPostClassname}")) 385: #if(!$result) 386: #set($result = $entryDoc.getObject("${oldArticleClassname}")) 387: #end 388: ## NOTE: The reason we put an underscore in front of the variable name is to prevent the following line from 389: ## overwriting the $entryObj variable that may be defined before this macro is called. Of course, $__entryObj may be 390: ## overwritten in this case but it's less likely to have such a variable defined before. 391: #set ($__entryObj = $NULL) 392: #setVariable ("$__entryObj" $result) 393: #end 394: ## 395: ## 396: ## 397: #** 398: * Gets the date associated with a blog entry. This is the publication date. For unpublished entries, initially this is 399: * the document creation date, but can be edited by the user. 400: * 401: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 402: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 403: * @param result The resulting date, an instance of <tt>java.util.Date</tt>. 404: *### 405: #macro(getEntryDate $entryDoc $entryObj $result) 406: #set ($result = $NULL) 407: #setVariable ("$result" $entryObj.getProperty('publishDate').value) 408: #end 409: ## 410: ## 411: ## 412: #** 413: * Displays a date, nicely formatted as a calendar page. 414: * 415: * @param date The date to display, an instance of <tt>java.util.Date</tt>. 416: *### 417: #macro(displayBlogDate $date) 418: #set($year = $xwiki.formatDate($date, 'yyyy')) 419: ## 3 letter month name, like Jan, Dec. 420: #set($month = $xwiki.formatDate($date, 'MMM')) 421: ## Uncomment to get a full length month name, like January, December. 422: ## TODO: this could be defined somewhere in the blog style. 423: ## #set($month = $xwiki.formatDate($date, 'MMMM')) 424: #set($day = $xwiki.formatDate($date, 'dd')) 425: (% class="blogdate" %) 426: == (% class="month" %)$month(%%) (% class="day" %)$day(%%) (% class="year" %)$year(%%) == 427: #end 428: ## 429: ## 430: ## 431: #** 432: * Displays a blog article: management tools, header, content, footer. 433: * 434: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 435: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 436: * @param onlyExtract If <tt>true</tt>, try to display only a summary of the entry, instead of the full content. 437: * @param shouldDisplayTitle If <tt>true</tt>, display the blog title (blog posts shouldn't display the title 438: * when they're displayed alone on their page since it's the page title which is used in this case) 439: *### 440: #macro(displayEntry $entryDoc $entryObj $onlyExtract $shouldDisplayTitle) 441: ## Only articles with an explicit hidden setting or an explicit unpublished setting are hidden 442: #isPublished($entryObj $isPublished) 443: #isHidden($entryObj $isHidden) 444: #if($doc.fullName == $entryDoc.fullName) 445: (% class="hentry single-article" %)((( 446: #else 447: (% class="hentry#if(!$isPublished) unpublished-article#elseif($isHidden) hidden-article#end" %)((( 448: #end 449: #displayEntryTools($entryDoc $entryObj) 450: #if($shouldDisplayTitle) 451: #displayEntryTitle($entryDoc $entryObj) 452: #end 453: #if($doc.fullName == $entryDoc.fullName) 454: #if(!$isPublished) 455: {{warning}}{{translation key=''/}}{{/warning}} 456: #elseif($isHidden) 457: {{warning}}{{translation key=''/}}{{/warning}} 458: #end 459: #end 460: #displayEntryContent($entryDoc $entryObj $onlyExtract) 461: #displayEntryFooter($entryDoc $entryObj) 462: )))## hentry 463: #end 464: ## 465: ## 466: ## 467: #** 468: * Checks if the provided blog is published or not. 469: * 470: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 471: * @param isPublished The resulting boolean, true if the entry is considered published. 472: *### 473: #macro(isPublished $entryObj $isPublished) 474: #set ($isPublished = $NULL) 475: ## This should work for both old articles, which don't have the 'published' property at all, and 476: ## are considered published by default, and new entries, that should have 1 if published. 477: #if ("$!{entryObj.getProperty('published').value}" != '0') 478: #setVariable ("$isPublished" true) 479: #else 480: #setVariable ("$isPublished" false) 481: #end 482: #end 483: ## 484: ## 485: ## 486: #** 487: * Checks if the provided blog is hidden or not. 488: * 489: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass<tt> xclass. 490: * @param isHiddel The resulting boolean, true if the entry is considered hidden. 491: *### 492: #macro(isHidden $entryObj $isHidden) 493: #set ($isHidden = $NULL) 494: ## This should work for both old articles, which don't have the 'hidden' property at all, and 495: ## are considered visible by default, and new entries, that should have 1 if hidden. 496: #if ("$!{entryObj.getProperty('hidden').value}" == '1') 497: #setVariable ("$isHidden" true) 498: #else 499: #setVariable ("$isHidden" false) 500: #end 501: #end 502: ## 503: ## 504: ## 505: #** 506: * Displays several "tools" for manipulating blog posts: hide/show, publish, edit. 507: * 508: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 509: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 510: *### 511: #macro(displayEntryTools $entryDoc $entryObj) 512: #if($xcontext.action == 'view') 513: (% class="blog-entry-toolbox" %)((( 514: #displayPublishButton($entryDoc $entryObj) 515: #displayHideShowButton($entryDoc $entryObj) 516: #displayEditButton($entryDoc $entryObj) 517: #displayDeleteButton($entryDoc $entryObj) 518: ))) 519: #end 520: #end 521: ## 522: ## 523: ## 524: #** 525: * Displays the publish button to the entry <strong>creator</strong>, if the article is not published yet. 526: * 527: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 528: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 529: * @todo AJAX calls. 530: *### 531: #macro(displayPublishButton $entryDoc $entryObj) 532: #isPublished($entryObj $isPublished) 533: #if(!$isPublished && $entryDoc.creator == $xcontext.user && $xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $entryDoc.fullName)) 534: [[#toolImage('world')>>path:$blogPublisher.getURL('view', "entryName=${escapetool.url($entryDoc.fullName)}&xredirect=${escapetool.url($thisURL)}&form_token=$!{services.csrf.getToken()}")||title="$services.localization.render('')"]]## 535: #end 536: #end 537: ## 538: ## 539: ## 540: #** 541: * Displays the hide or show button to the entry <strong>creator</strong>, if the article is already published. 542: * 543: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 544: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 545: *### 546: #macro(displayHideShowButton $entryDoc $entryObj) 547: #isPublished($entryObj $isPublished) 548: #isHidden($entryObj $isHidden) 549: ## Only published articles can be hidden. Unpublished articles are considered already hidden. 550: #if($isPublished && $entryDoc.creator == $xcontext.user && $xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $entryDoc.fullName)) 551: #set ($queryString = { 552: 'xredirect' : $thisURL, 553: 'form_token' : $services.csrf.getToken() 554: }) 555: #if ($isHidden) 556: #set ($discard = $queryString.putAll({ 557: "${entryObj.getxWikiClass().getName()}_${entryObj.number}_hidden" : 0, 558: 'comment' : $services.localization.render('') 559: })) 560: #set ($lockURL = $entryDoc.getURL('save', $escapetool.url($queryString))) 561: [[#toolImage('unlock')>>path:$lockURL||class="blog-tool-show" title="$services.localization.render('')"]]## 562: #else 563: #set ($discard = $queryString.putAll({ 564: "${entryObj.getxWikiClass().getName()}_${entryObj.number}_hidden" : 1, 565: 'comment' : $services.localization.render('') 566: })) 567: #set ($lockURL = $entryDoc.getURL('save', $escapetool.url($queryString))) 568: [[#toolImage('lock')>>path:$lockURL||class="blog-tool-hide" title="$services.localization.render('')"]]## 569: #end 570: #end 571: #end 572: ## 573: ## 574: ## 575: #** 576: * Displays the edit button to those that can edit the article. 577: * 578: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 579: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 580: *### 581: #macro(displayEditButton $entryDoc $entryObj) 582: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $entryDoc.fullName)) 583: ## Call getDefaultEditMode() for backward compatibility with older blog posts. 584: [[#toolImage('pencil')>>path:$entryDoc.getURL('edit')||title="$services.localization.render('')"]]## 585: #end 586: #end 587: ## 588: ## 589: ## 590: #** 591: * Displays the delete button to those that can edit the article. 592: * 593: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 594: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 595: * @todo AJAX calls. 596: *### 597: #macro(displayDeleteButton $entryDoc $entryObj) 598: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('delete', $xcontext.user, $entryDoc.fullName)) 599: [[#toolImage('cross')>>path:$entryDoc.getURL('delete')||title="$services.localization.render('')"]]## 600: #end 601: #end 602: ## 603: ## 604: ## 605: #** 606: * Displays the title of the entry. 607: * 608: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 609: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 610: *### 611: #macro(displayEntryTitle $entryDoc $entryObj) 612: #if($doc.fullName == $entryDoc.fullName) 613: (% class="entry-title" %) 614: = $entryDoc.display('title', 'view', $entryObj) = 615: #else 616: (% class="entry-title" %) 617: === [[$entryDoc.display('title', 'view', $entryObj)>>doc:$entryDoc]] === 618: #end 619: #end 620: ## 621: ## 622: ## 623: #** 624: * Displays the body of the entry. 625: * 626: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 627: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 628: * @param onlyExtract If <tt>true</tt>, try to display only a summary of the entry, instead of the full content. 629: *### 630: #macro(displayEntryContent $entryDoc $entryObj $onlyExtract) 631: (% class="#if($onlyExtract)entry-summary#{else}entry-content#end" %)((( 632: #getEntryContent($entryDoc $entryObj $onlyExtract $entryContent) 633: ## FIXME: This causes the blog's content to not be annotatable. See 634: ## Should probably be replaced by a display macro call with a reference to the object property holding the post's content 635: {{html wiki="false"}}$entryDoc.getRenderedContent($entryContent, $entryDoc.syntax.toIdString()){{/html}} 636: ))) ## entry-content 637: (% class="clearfloats" %)((())) 638: #end 639: ## 640: ## 641: ## 642: #** 643: * Extracts the body of the entry that should be displayed. If <tt>onlyExtract</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, display the content 644: * of the <tt>extract</tt> field (if not empty). 645: * 646: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 647: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 648: * @param onlyExtract If <tt>true</tt>, try to display only a summary of the entry, instead of the full content. 649: * @param entryContent The resulting content. 650: *### 651: #macro(getEntryContent $entryDoc $entryObj $onlyExtract $entryContent) 652: #if ($onlyExtract) 653: #set ($result = $entryObj.getProperty('extract').value) 654: #end 655: #if("$!result" == '') 656: #set($result = $entryObj.getProperty('content').value) 657: #* Disabled until the content can be cleanly cut. 658: * #if($onlyExtract && $result.length()>$maxchars) 659: * #set($i = $result.lastIndexOf(" ", $maxchars)) 660: * #set($i = $i + 1) 661: * #set($result = "${result.substring(0,$i)} *[...>${entryDoc.fullName}]*") 662: * #end 663: ## *### 664: #else 665: #if($entryDoc.syntax.toIdString() == 'xwiki/1.0') 666: #set($result = "${result} <a href='${entryDoc.getURL()}' title='$services.localization.render('')'>...</a>") 667: #else 668: #set($result = "${result} [[...>>${entryDoc}||title='$services.localization.render('')']]") 669: #end 670: #end 671: #set ($entryContent = $NULL) 672: #setVariable ("$entryContent" $result) 673: #end 674: ## 675: ## 676: ## 677: #** 678: * Displays the footer of the entry. 679: * 680: * @param entryDoc The xdocument of the blog post. Each post resides in its own document. 681: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 682: *### 683: #macro(displayEntryFooter $entryDoc $entryObj) 684: (% class="entry-footer" %)((( 685: #isPublished($entryObj $isPublished) 686: (% class='entry-author-label' %) 687: #if($isPublished) 688: {{translation key=''/}} ## 689: #else 690: {{translation key=''/}} ## 691: #end 692: {{html wiki="false" clean="false"}}<span class='author vcard'>#userfn($entryDoc.creator)</span>{{/html}} ## 693: #getEntryDate($entryDoc $entryObj $entryDate) 694: #listCategories($entryObj) #* 695: ## Since the publish date and update date are not set at the exact same time, there could be a small difference that 696: ## we assume cannot be more than 3 seconds. 697: *#(% class="separator" %)·(%%) [[{{translation key=''/}}>>$entryDoc||rel="bookmark"]] ## 698: (% class="separator" %)·(%%) [[{{translation key=''/}}>>$entryDoc||anchor="Comments"]] (% class="itemCount" %)($entryDoc.comments.size())(%%) ## 699: )))## entry-footer 700: #end 701: ## 702: ## 703: ## 704: #** 705: * List the categories an entry belongs to. Used in the footer. The categories are instances of <tt>Blog.CategoryClass</tt>. 706: * 707: * @param entryObj The xobject of the blog post, an instance of the <tt>Blog.BlogPostClass</tt> xclass. 708: *### 709: #macro(listCategories $entryObj) 710: #if($entryObj.getxWikiClass().getName() == $blogPostClassname) 711: #set($categories = $entryObj.getProperty('category').value) 712: #set($first = true) 713: #if($categories.size() > 0) 714: #foreach($category in $categories) 715: #set($categoryDoc = $!xwiki.getDocument($category)) 716: #if(!$categoryDoc.isNew() && $categoryDoc.getObject(${blogCategoryClassname})) 717: #if($foreach.count == 1) 718: (% class='separator' %)·(%%) $services.localization.render('') ## 719: #else 720: , ## 721: #end## 722: [[$!{escapetool.xml($!categoryDoc.getObject($blogCategoryClassname).getValue('name'))}>>${category}||rel='tag']]## 723: #end## 724: #end## 725: #end 726: #end 727: #end 728: ## 729: ## 730: ## 731: #** 732: * Displays blog pagination links (older and newer entries). 733: * 734: * @param blogDoc the XDocument holding the blog definition object. 735: *### 736: #macro(displayNavigationLinks $blogDoc) 737: (% class="clearfloats" %)((())) 738: #getBlogDisplayType($blogDoc $displayType) 739: #if($displayType == 'weekly') 740: (% class="pagingLinks" %)((( 741: #getRequestedWeek($weekDate) 742: $weekDate.addWeeks(-1)## 743: (% class="prevPage" %)**[[« {{translation key=''/}}>>$||queryString="year=$weekDate.weekyear&week=$weekDate.weekOfWeekyear"]]**(%%) 744: #sep() 745: $weekDate.addWeeks(2)## 2 because we already subtracted 1 above 746: (% class="nextPage" %)**[[{{translation key=''/}} »>>$||queryString="year=$weekDate.weekyear&week=$weekDate.weekOfWeekyear"]]**(%%) 747: ))) 748: #elseif($displayType == 'monthly') 749: (% class="pagingLinks" %)((( 750: #getRequestedMonth($monthDate) 751: $monthDate.addMonths(-1)## 752: (% class="prevPage" %)**[[« {{translation key=''/}}>>$||queryString="year=$monthDate.year&month=$monthDate.monthOfYear"]]**(%%) 753: #sep() 754: $monthDate.addMonths(2)## 2 because we already subtracted 1 above 755: (% class="nextPage" %)**[[{{translation key=''/}} »>>$||queryString="year=$monthDate.year&month=$monthDate.monthOfYear"]]**(%%) 756: ))) 757: #elseif($displayType == 'all') 758: #else 759: ## Paginated 760: #if(($totalPages > 1)) 761: #set($queryString = '') 762: #foreach($p in $request.getParameterNames()) 763: #if($p != 'page' && $p != 'ipp') 764: #foreach($v in $request.getParameterValues($p)) 765: #set($queryString = "${queryString}&${p}=${v}") 766: #end 767: #end 768: #end 769: (% class="pagingLinks" %)((( 770: #if ($currentPageNumber < $totalPages) 771: #set($currentPageNumber = $currentPageNumber + 1) 772: (% class="prevPage" %)**[[« {{translation key=''/}}>>$||queryString="page=${currentPageNumber}&ipp=${itemsPerPage}$queryString"]]**(%%) 773: #set($currentPageNumber = $currentPageNumber - 1) 774: #end 775: #if ($currentPageNumber > 1) 776: #if ($currentPageNumber < $totalPages) 777: #sep() 778: #end 779: #set($currentPageNumber = $currentPageNumber - 1) 780: (% class="nextPage" %)**[[{{translation key=''/}} »>>$||queryString="page=${currentPageNumber}&ipp=${itemsPerPage}$queryString"]]**(%%) 781: #set($currentPageNumber = $currentPageNumber + 1) 782: #end 783: (% class="clear" %)(%%) 784: )))## pagingLinks 785: #end 786: #end 787: #end 788: ## 789: ## 790: ## 791: #** 792: * Displays a message box with "publish" icon. 793: * 794: * @param message A text message concerning blog article publishing 795: *### 796: #macro(publishMessageBox $message) 797: (% class="plainmessage publish-message" %)((($services.icon.render('world') $message))) 798: #end 799: #** 800: * Displays a message box with "show/hide" icon. 801: * 802: * @param message A text message concerning blog article hiding 803: *### 804: #macro(hideMessageBox $message) 805: (% class="plainmessage hide-message" %)((($services.icon.render('unlock') $message))) 806: #end 807: ## 808: ## 809: ## 810: #** 811: * Determine the requested week, for using in a weekly-indexed blog. The relevant request parameters are 812: * <tt>year</tt> and <tt>week</tt>. By default, the current week is used. 813: * 814: * @param monthDate The resulting week, a JODATime MutableDateTime. 815: *### 816: #macro(getRequestedWeek $weekDate) 817: #set ($weekDate = $NULL) 818: #setVariable ("$weekDate" $xwiki.jodatime.mutableDateTime) 819: #if("$!{request.year}" != '') 820: $weekDate.setYear($mathtool.toInteger($request.year)) 821: #end 822: #if("$!{request.week}" != '') 823: $weekDate.setWeekOfWeekyear($mathtool.toInteger($request.week)) 824: #end 825: #end 826: ## 827: ## 828: ## 829: #** 830: * Determine the requested month, for using in a monthly-indexed blog. The relevant request parameters are 831: * <tt>year</tt> and <tt>month</tt>. By default, the current month is used. 832: * 833: * @param monthDate The resulting month, a JODATime MutableDateTime. 834: *### 835: #macro(getRequestedMonth $monthDate) 836: #set ($monthDate = $NULL) 837: #setVariable ("$monthDate" $xwiki.jodatime.mutableDateTime) 838: #if("$!{request.year}" != '') 839: $monthDate.setYear($mathtool.toInteger($request.year)) 840: #end 841: #if("$!{request.month}" != '') 842: $monthDate.setMonthOfYear($mathtool.toInteger($request.month)) 843: #end 844: #end 845: ## 846: ## 847: ## 848: #** 849: * Retrieve a blog property (title, display type, etc). 850: * 851: * @param blogDoc The blog document. It should contain a <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt> object. 852: * @param propertyName The name of the property to be retrieved. One of the <tt>Blog.BlogClass</tt>'s properties. 853: * @param defaultValue The default value to use in case the blog object does not define one. 854: * @param propertyValue The resulting value. 855: *### 856: #macro(getBlogProperty $blogDoc $propertyName $defaultValue $propertyValue) 857: #set($result = "$!{blogDoc.getObject(${blogClassname}).getProperty($propertyName).value}") 858: #if($result == '') 859: #set($result = $defaultValue) 860: #end 861: #set ($propertyValue = $NULL) 862: #setVariable ("$propertyValue" $result) 863: #end 864: 865: #** 866: * If an error occurs when executing an action, set a specific response status and display an error message. 867: * 868: * @param status The response status. 869: * @param text The user readable error to be displayed. Can be a translation key. 870: * @param parameters The parameters to use when decoding the translation key. 871: *### 872: #macro(blog__actionResponseError $status $text $parameters) 873: $response.setStatus($status) 874: #if($request.ajax) 875: $services.localization.render($text, $!parameters) 876: #else 877: {{error}}$services.localization.render($text, $!parameters){{/error}} 878: #end 879: #end 880: {{/velocity}}
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