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Macros for the Blog Categories
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Macros for the Blog Categories
Last modified by superadmin on 2016/12/20 10:05
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1: {{include reference="Blog.BlogCode"/}} 2: 3: {{velocity output="false"}} 4: ## 5: ## 6: ## 7: #** 8: * Retrieves the list of blog entries from a given category. Entries belonging to subcategories 9: * are not returned. 10: * 11: * @param category The name of the category (XDocument full name, for example 'MyBlog.Fishing'). 12: * @param articles Return parameter, where the list of entries is placed. 13: * @param total Return parameter, where the total number of entries belonging to this category is 14: * placed. Useful for a paginated view. 15: *### 16: #macro(getEntriesForCategory $category $entries $totalEntries) 17: #set ($entries = $NULL) 18: #set ($totalEntries = $NULL) 19: #if ("$!{blogCategoryEntriesCache.containsKey($!{category})}" == 'true') 20: #setVariable ("$entries" $blogCategoryEntriesCache.get($!{category}).get(0)) 21: #setVariable ("$totalEntries" $blogCategoryEntriesCache.get($!{category}).get(1)) 22: #preparePagedViewParams ($totalEntries 10) 23: #else 24: #getCategoriesHierarchy ('' $tree) 25: #set ($subcategories = []) 26: #getSubcategories ($tree $category $subcategories) 27: #set ($categories = [${category}]) 28: #set ($discard = $categories.addAll(${subcategories})) 29: #set ($parameters = '?') 30: #foreach ($subcategory in $subcategories) 31: #set ($parameters = $parameters.concat(', ?')) 32: #end 33: #getBlogEntriesBaseQuery ($query) 34: #set ($query = ", DBStringListProperty as categories join categories.list as category${query} and = and'category' and category in (${parameters})") 35: #set ($totalResult = $services.query.hql($query).bindValues($categories).count()) 36: #preparePagedViewParams ($totalResult 10) 37: #set ($result = $services.query.hql("${query} order by publishDate.value desc").setLimit($itemsPerPage).setOffset($startAt).bindValues($categories).execute()) 38: #if ("$!{blogCategoryEntriesCache.containsKey($!{category})}" == '') 39: #set ($blogCategoryEntriesCache = {}) 40: #end 41: #set ($discard = $blogCategoryEntriesCache.put("$!{category}", [$result, $totalResult])) 42: #setVariable ("$entries" $result) 43: #setVariable ("$totalEntries" $totalResult) 44: #end 45: #end 46: #macro(getSubcategories $tree $category $subcategories) 47: #if(!$subcategories.contains($category)) 48: #foreach($subcategory in $tree.get($category)) 49: #set($discard = $subcategories.add($subcategory)) 50: #getSubcategories($tree $subcategory $subcategories) 51: #end 52: #end 53: #end 54: ## 55: ## 56: ## 57: #** 58: * Builds a tree of categories, respecting the parent<->subcategory relation. Each node holds the 59: * full name of the category's document. The root of the tree is 'Blog.Categories'. 60: * 61: * @param space The space where to search for categories. If this parameter is an emptry string or 62: * null, all the categories in the wiki are returned. 63: * @param tree Return parameter, HashMap<String, List<String>> structure holding the categories 64: * hierarchy, where the key is the name of a category, and the value contains the names of 65: * all its subcategories. To obtain the full hierarchy, start with the key 'Blog.Categories'. 66: *### 67: #macro(getCategoriesHierarchy $space $tree) 68: #set ($tree = $NULL) 69: #if ("$!{blogCategoriesHierarchyCache.containsKey($!{space})}" == 'true') 70: #setVariable ("$tree" $blogCategoriesHierarchyCache.get($!{space})) 71: #else 72: #set ($result = {}) 73: #set($query = ', BaseObject obj where ') 74: #if("$!space" != '') 75: #set($query = "${query} = '${space}' and ") 76: #end 77: #set($query = "${query} = doc.fullName and obj.className = '${blogCategoryClassname}' order by") 78: #foreach($category in $services.query.hql($query).execute()) 79: #set($categoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($category)) 80: #set($categoryParent = "$!categoryDoc.parent") 81: #if($categoryParent == '') 82: #set($categoryParent = $defaultCategoryParent) 83: #end 84: #if(!$result.containsKey($categoryParent)) 85: #set($discard = $result.put($categoryParent, [])) 86: #end 87: #set($discard = $result.get($categoryParent).add($category)) 88: #end 89: #if ("$!{blogCategoriesHierarchyCache.containsKey($!{space})}" == '') 90: #set ($blogCategoriesHierarchyCache = {}) 91: #end 92: #set ($discard = $blogCategoriesHierarchyCache.put("$!{space}", $result)) 93: #setVariable ("$tree" $result) 94: #end 95: #end 96: ## 97: ## 98: ## 99: #** 100: * Displays the category hierarchy held in the <tt>tree</tt> parameter. 101: * 102: * @param tree The category hierarchy, a HashMap<String, List<String>> structure, where the key 103: * is the name of a category, and the value contains the names of all its subcategories. 104: * @param displayMethod Selects how to display the category tree. Possible values are: 105: * <ul> 106: * <li><em>"simple"</em>: tree with links to the category pages.</li> 107: * <li><em>"selectable"</em>: each category name in the tree is preceded by a checkbox.</li> 108: * <li><em>"option"</em>: wraps each category name in an <option> element, to be used 109: * in a select box.</li> 110: * <li><em>"editable"</em>: displays links to delete and edit each category, if the rights 111: * allow such actions.</li> 112: * </ul> 113: * For any other value, the default ("simple") is considered. 114: *### 115: #macro(displayCategoriesHierarchy $tree $displayMethod) 116: #set($processedCategories = []) 117: #displayCategoriesHierarchyRecursive($tree $defaultCategoryParent 1 $displayMethod) 118: #end 119: ## 120: ## 121: ## 122: #** 123: * Displays recursively the category hierarchy held in the <tt>tree</tt> parameter, starting at 124: * the node indicated by the <tt>root</tt> parameter, which is on the <tt>level</tt>th level in 125: * the tree. 126: * 127: * @param tree The category hierarchy HashMap<String, List<String>> structure, where the key 128: * is the name of a category, and the value contains the names of all its subcategories. 129: * @param root The full name of the document containing the category that is to be considered the 130: * root of the displayed subtree. 131: * @param level The current depth of the tree, used for proper indentation. 132: * @param displayMethod Selects how to display the category tree. Possible values are: 133: * <ul> 134: * <li><em>"simple"</em>: tree with links to the category pages.</li> 135: * <li><em>"selectable"</em>: each category name in the tree is preceded by a checkbox.</li> 136: * <li><em>"option"</em>: wraps each category name in an <option> element, to be used 137: * in a select box.</li> 138: * <li><em>"editable"</em>: displays links to delete and edit each category, if the rights 139: * allow such actions.</li> 140: * </ul> 141: * For any other value, the default ("simple") is considered. 142: *### 143: #macro(displayCategoriesHierarchyRecursive $tree $root $level $displayMethod) 144: #if(!$processedCategories) 145: #set($processedCategories = []) 146: #end 147: #foreach($item in $tree.get($root)) 148: #if(!$processedCategories.contains($item)) 149: #set($discard = $processedCategories.add($item)) 150: #displayCategory($item $level $displayMethod) 151: #displayCategoriesHierarchyRecursive($tree $item $mathtool.add($level, 1) $displayMethod) 152: #end 153: #end 154: #if($displayMethod == "selectable") 155: <input type="hidden" name="${blogPostClassname}_$!{entryObj.number}_category" value="" /> 156: #end 157: #end 158: ## 159: ## 160: ## 161: #** 162: * Displays a category as part of a category hierarchy. 163: * 164: * @param name The full name of the document containing the category to be displayed. 165: * @param level The depth where this category is in the tree, used for proper indentation. 166: * @param displayMethod Selects how to display the category tree. Possible values are: 167: * <ul> 168: * <li><em>"simple"</em>: tree with links to the category pages.</li> 169: * <li><em>"selectable"</em>: each category name in the tree is preceded by a checkbox.</li> 170: * <li><em>"option"</em>: wraps each category name in an <option> element, to be used 171: * in a select box.</li> 172: * <li><em>"editable"</em>: displays links to delete and edit each category, if the rights 173: * allow such actions.</li> 174: * </ul> 175: * For any other value, the default ("simple") is considered. 176: *### 177: #macro(displayCategory $name $level $displayMethod) 178: #if("$!displayMethod" == "option") 179: #displayOptionCategory($name $level) 180: #elseif("$!displayMethod" == "selectable") 181: #displaySelectableCategory($name $level) 182: #elseif("$!displayMethod" == "editable") 183: #displayEditableCategory($name $level) 184: #else 185: #displaySimpleCategory($name $level) 186: #end 187: #end 188: ## 189: ## 190: ## 191: #** 192: * Displays a category as part of a category hierarchy, preceded by a checkbox that allows choosing 193: * this category for a blog entry. 194: * 195: * @param name The full name of the document containing the category to be displayed. 196: * @param level The depth where this category is in the tree, used for proper indentation. 197: *### 198: #macro(displaySelectableCategory $name $level) 199: #set($categoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($name)) 200: #set($addCategURL = $doc.getURL('view', $escapetool.url({ 201: 'xaction': 'showAddCategory', 202: 'parentCategory' : $name 203: }))) 204: #set($addEntryParams = false) 205: #if($isBlogPost) 206: #set($entry = $xwiki.getDocument($doc.fullName)) 207: #set($entryObj = $isBlogPost) 208: #set($addEntryParams = true) 209: #elseif("$!request.entry" != '' && "$!request.entryObjNb" != '') 210: #set($entry = $xwiki.getDocument($request.entry)) 211: #set($entryObj = $entry.getObject($blogPostClassname, $mathtool.toInteger($request.entryObjNb))) 212: #set($addEntryParams = true) 213: #end 214: #if($isBlogPost || $addEntryParams) 215: ## parentCategory must be the last param 216: #set($addCategURL = $doc.getURL('view', $escapetool.url({ 217: 'xaction': 'showAddCategory', 218: 'entry': $entry.fullName, 219: 'entryObjNb': $entryObj.number, 220: 'parentCategory': $name 221: }))) 222: #end 223: #foreach($i in [1..$level])*#end ## 224: <span class="blog-category-level"><span class="blog-category">## 225: <label id='blog_category_${services.rendering.escape(${escapetool.xml($name)}, $doc.syntax)}' title="#getCategoryDescription($categoryDoc)"><input name="${blogPostClassname}_$!{entryObj.number}_category" value="$services.rendering.escape(${escapetool.xml($name)}, $doc.syntax)" type="checkbox"#if($entryObj.getProperty('category').getValue().contains($name)) checked="checked" #end/> #getCategoryName($categoryDoc)</label>## 226: </span>## 227: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $doc.fullName) && ("$!{request.xaction}" != "showAddCategory" || "$!{request.parentCategory}" != $name)) 228: <span class="blog-category-tools">## 229: <a href="$escapetool.xml($addCategURL)" class="tool add-subcategory">#toolImage('add')</a>## 230: </span>## 231: #end 232: </span> 233: #end 234: ## 235: ## 236: ## 237: #** 238: * Displays a form for creating a new category. If a parentCategory parameter is present in the 239: * query string, the parent category is set accordingly. Otherwise, the form provides a selection 240: * control for choosing the parent category among existing categories. 241: *### 242: ## DO NOT CHANGE INDENTATION 243: #macro(addCategoryForm) #set($addCategURL = $doc.getURL()) #if("$!request.entry" != '') #set($addCategURL = "${addCategURL}?entry=$escapetool.url($request.entry)&entryObjNb=$escapetool.url($!request.entryObjNb)")#end<form action="${addCategURL}" method="post" class="category-add-form"><div class='create-category'> <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="$!{services.csrf.getToken()}" /> <input type="hidden" name="xaction" value="create"/> <label>$services.localization.render('')<br/> <input type="text" name="newCategoryName" class="category-name-input" /></label><br/>#if("$!{request.parentCategory}" == "")<label>#* $services.localization.render('')*# Subcategory of:<br/> <select name="newCategoryParent" id="blog_category_selectBox" class="category-add-input"> <option value="${defaultCategoryParent}" selected="selected">None</option> $!processedCategories.clear() #displayCategoriesHierarchy($tree 'option') </select> <br/></label>#else<input type="hidden" name="newCategoryParent" value="${escapetool.xml($request.parentCategory)}"/>#end<span class="buttonwrapper"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Add" /></span> <a class="btn btn-default" href="$doc.getURL()">Cancel</a> </div></form> #end 244: ## 245: ## 246: ## 247: #** 248: * Displays a form for renaming a category. 249: *### 250: ## DO NOT CHANGE INDENTATION 251: #macro(renameCategoryForm)## 252: <form action="$doc.getURL()" method="post" class="category-rename-form"><div class='rename-category'>## 253: <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="$!{services.csrf.getToken()}" /> 254: <input type="hidden" name="xaction" value="rename"/>## 255: <input type="hidden" name="category" value="${escapetool.xml($request.category)}"/>## 256: <label>$services.localization.render('')<br/> <input type="text" name="newCategoryName" class="category-name-input" /></label><br/>## 257: <span class="buttonwrapper"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Rename" /></span> ## 258: <a class="btn btn-default" href="$doc.getURL()">Cancel</a>## 259: </div></form>## 260: #end 261: ## 262: ## 263: ## 264: #** 265: * Displays a category as part of a category hierarchy, followed by links for editing and deleting 266: * this category, if the current user has the rights to perform these actions. 267: * 268: * @param name The full name of the document containing the category to be displayed. 269: * @param level The depth where this category is in the tree, used for proper indentation. 270: *### 271: ## DO NOT CHANGE INDENTATION 272: #macro(displayEditableCategory $name $level) 273: #getEntriesForCategory($name $discard $totalEntries) 274: #set($nameUrl = $escapetool.url($name)) 275: #foreach($i in [1..$level])*#end ## 276: <span class="blog-category-level"><span class="blog-category">## 277: <a href="$services.rendering.escape($xwiki.getURL('Blog.CategoryRss', 'view', "xpage=plain&category=$nameUrl"), $doc.syntax)" title="RSS">#toolImage('rss')</a> ## 278: <span class="wikilink"><a href="$services.rendering.escape($xwiki.getURL($name), $doc.syntax)">#getCategoryName($xwiki.getDocument($name)) <span class="itemCount">($totalEntries)</span></a></span></span>## 279: <span class="blog-category-tools">## 280: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('delete', $xcontext.user, $name) && ("$!{request.xaction}" != 'showRenameCategory' || "$!{request.category}" != $name))<a href="$services.rendering.escape($xwiki.getURL('Blog.ManageCategories', 'view', "xaction=showRenameCategory&category=$nameUrl"), $doc.syntax)" class="tool rename">#toolImage('pencil')</a>#end## 281: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $doc.fullName) && ("$!{request.xaction}" != "showAddCategory" || "$!{request.parentCategory}" != $name))<a href="$services.rendering.escape($xwiki.getURL('Blog.ManageCategories', 'view', "xaction=showAddCategory&parentCategory=$nameUrl"), $doc.syntax)" class="tool add-subcategory">#toolImage('add')</a>#end## 282: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('delete', $xcontext.user, $name)) <a href="$services.rendering.escape($xwiki.getURL('Blog.ManageCategories', 'view', "xaction=delete&category=$nameUrl&form_token=$!{services.csrf.getToken()}"), $doc.syntax)" class="tool delete">#toolImage('cross')</a>#end## 283: </span>## 284: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $doc.fullName) && "$!{request.xaction}" == "showRenameCategory" && "$!{request.category}" == $name) #renameCategoryForm() #end## 285: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $doc.fullName) && "$!{request.xaction}" == "showAddCategory" && "$!{request.parentCategory}" == $name) #addCategoryForm() #end## 286: </span> 287: #end 288: ## 289: ## 290: ## 291: #** 292: * Displays a category as part of a category hierarchy, wrapped in an <option> element, to 293: * be used in a select box. 294: * 295: * @param name The full name of the document containing the category to be displayed. 296: * @param level The depth where this category is in the tree, used for proper indentation. 297: *### 298: #macro(displayOptionCategory $name $level) 299: <option id="blog_category_${services.rendering.escape(${escapetool.xml($name)}, $doc.syntax)}_option" value="$services.rendering.escape(${escapetool.xml($name)}, $doc.syntax)">#if($level > 1)#foreach($i in [2..$level]) #end#end#getCategoryName($xwiki.getDocument($name))</option> 300: #end 301: ## 302: ## 303: ## 304: #** 305: * Displays a category as part of a category hierarchy, wrapped in a link. 306: * 307: * @param name The full name of the document containing the category to be displayed. 308: * @param level The depth where this category is in the tree, used for proper indentation. 309: *### 310: #macro(displaySimpleCategory $name $level) 311: #getEntriesForCategory($name $discard $totalEntries) 312: #set($nameUrl = $escapetool.url($name)) 313: #getCallingDocument($callingDocument) 314: #foreach($i in [1..$level])*#end (% class="blog-category-level" %)((( [[#toolImage('rss')>>Blog.CategoryRss||queryString="xpage=plain&category=$nameUrl" title="RSS"]] <span class="wikilink"><a href="$services.rendering.escape($xwiki.getURL($name), $callingDocument.syntax)">#getCategoryName($xwiki.getDocument($name)) <span class="itemCount">($totalEntries)</span></a></span>))) 315: #end 316: ## 317: ## 318: ## 319: #** 320: * Prints the name of a category, indicated by its document. 321: * The result is XML-escaped and Wiki syntax escaped. 322: * 323: * @param categoryDoc The document containing the category to be displayed. 324: *### 325: #macro(getCategoryName $categoryDoc) 326: ## Don't indent! 327: #set($result = "$!categoryDoc.getObject(${blogCategoryClassname}).getProperty('name').value.trim()")## 328: #if($result == '') 329: #set($result = $ 330: #end 331: ## Escape wiki syntax, if any. 332: #getCallingDocument($callingDocument) 333: #set ($result = "$services.rendering.escape($result, $callingDocument.syntax)") 334: ## Escape HTML, if any. 335: $escapetool.xml($result)## 336: #end 337: ## 338: ## 339: ## 340: #** 341: * Return the calling document to make the various API work when called from the context of a Panel and from a wiki page 342: *### 343: #macro(getCallingDocument $callingDocument) 344: #if ("$!paneldoc" != '') 345: #setVariable ("$callingDocument" $paneldoc) 346: #else 347: #setVariable ("$callingDocument" $doc) 348: #end 349: #end 350: ## 351: ## 352: ## 353: #** 354: * Prints the description of a category, indicated by its document. 355: * The result is XML-escaped 356: * 357: * @param categoryDoc The document containing the category to be displayed. 358: *### 359: #macro(getCategoryDescription $categoryDoc) 360: ## Don't indent! 361: $escapetool.xml($!categoryDoc.getObject(${blogCategoryClassname}).getProperty('description').value.trim())## 362: #end 363: ## 364: ## 365: ## 366: #** 367: * Generates a form for creating a new category. The form allows to enter the name of the new 368: * category, and select a parent category from the existing ones. 369: * 370: * @param tree The category hierarchy, a HashMap<String, List<String>> structure, where the key 371: * is the name of a category, and the value contains the names of all its subcategories. 372: * @todo When javascript is disabled, a link to "Manage categories" should be displayed instead. 373: * This "form" should be created from javascript. 374: *### 375: #macro(showCreateCategoryBoxWithForm $tree) 376: <form action="$doc.getURL()" method="post"> 377: #showCreateCategoryBox($tree) 378: </form> 379: #end 380: #** 381: * Generates a box for creating a new category. This allows to enter the name of the new 382: * category, and select a parent category from the existing ones. Note that this does not create 383: * a HTML form element, but requires one to be defined already as its ancestor. 384: * 385: * @param tree The category hierarchy HashMap<String, List<String>> structure, where the key 386: * is the name of a category, and the value contains the names of all its subcategories. 387: * @todo When javascript is disabled, a link to "Manage categories" should be displayed instead. 388: * This "form" should be created from javascript. 389: *### 390: #macro(showCreateCategoryBox $tree) 391: <div class='create-category'> 392: <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="$!{services.csrf.getToken()}" /> 393: <input type="hidden" name="xaction" value="create"/> 394: <label>$services.localization.render('') <input type="text" name="newCategoryName" /></label> 395: <label>$services.localization.render('') 396: <select name="newCategoryParent" id="blog_category_selectBox"> 397: <option value="${defaultCategoryParent}" selected="selected">None</option> 398: $!processedCategories.clear()## 399: #displayCategoriesHierarchy($tree 'option') 400: </select> 401: </label> 402: <span class="buttonwrapper"><input class="button" type="button" value="Add" id="blog_AddCategoryButton" /></span> 403: </div> 404: #end 405: ## 406: ## 407: ## 408: #macro(displayCategoryManagementTree $space $displayType) 409: <div class="blog-categories-list"> 410: #getCategoriesHierarchy("$!{space}" $tree) 411: #displayCategoriesHierarchy($tree $displayType) 412: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $doc.fullName)) 413: #set($addCategURL = $doc.getURL('view', $escapetool.url({ 414: 'xaction' : 'showAddCategory', 415: 'parentCategory' : '' 416: }))) 417: #if($isBlogPost || ("$!request.entry" != '' && "$!request.entryObjNb" != '')) 418: #set($entryParam = $!doc.fullName) 419: #set($entryObjNbParam = $!entryObj.number) 420: #if(!$isBlogPost) 421: #set($entryParam = $!request.entry) 422: #set($entryObjNbParam = $!request.entryObjNb) 423: #end 424: #set($addCategURL = $doc.getURL('view', $escapetool.url({ 425: 'xaction' : 'showAddCategory', 426: 'parentCategory' : '', 427: 'entry' : $entryParam, 428: 'entryObjNb' : $entryObjNbParam 429: }))) 430: #end 431: * <span class="blog-add-category-label">$services.icon.renderHTML('add') <a href="$escapetool.xml($addCategURL)">$services.localization.render('')</a></span> 432: #if("$!{request.xaction}" == "showAddCategory" && "$!{request.parentCategory}" == "") #addCategoryForm() #end 433: #end 434: 435: 436: </div> 437: #end 438: ## 439: ## 440: ## 441: #** 442: * Deletes a category, moving all the subcategories to its parent and removing this category from 443: * all existing blog entries. 444: * 445: * @param category The full name of the document containing the category to be deleted. 446: *### 447: #macro(deleteCategory $category) 448: #set($categoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($category)) 449: #set($categoryParent = "$!categoryDoc.parent") 450: #if($categoryParent == '') 451: #set($categoryParent = "{$defaultCategoryParent}") 452: #end 453: #set($parameterValues = ["$!{category}"]) 454: #set($query = ', BaseObject obj where ') 455: #if($space != '') 456: #set($query = "${query} = '${space}' and ") 457: #end 458: #set($query = "${query} = doc.fullName and obj.className = '${blogCategoryClassname}' and doc.fullName <> 'Blog.CategoryTemplate' and doc.parent = ? order by") 459: 460: #foreach($item in $services.query.hql($query).bindValues($parameterValues).execute()) 461: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $item) && $!{services.csrf.isTokenValid("$!{request.getParameter('form_token')}")}) 462: #set($subcategoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item)) 463: $subcategoryDoc.setParent($categoryParent) 464: $$services.localization.render(''), true) 465: #end 466: #end 467: #set($query = ', BaseObject obj, DBStringListProperty categories join categories.list as category where ') 468: #if($space != '') 469: #set($query = "${query} = '${space}' and ") 470: #end 471: #set($query = "${query} = doc.fullName and obj.className = '${blogPostClassname}' and doc.fullName <> 'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and = and = 'category' and category = ? order by") 472: #foreach($item in $services.query.hql($query).bindValues($parameterValues).execute()) 473: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $item) && $!{services.csrf.isTokenValid("$!{request.getParameter('form_token')}")}) 474: #set($blogEntryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item)) 475: #set($discard = $blogEntryDoc.getObject(${blogPostClassname}).getProperty('category').value.remove($category)) 476: $$services.localization.render(''), true) 477: #end 478: #end 479: $categoryDoc.delete() 480: #end 481: ## 482: ## 483: ## 484: #** 485: * Renames a category, updating all the subcategories and all existing blog entries. 486: * 487: * @param category The full name of the document containing the category to be renamed. 488: * @param newCategoryName The new name of the category. 489: *### 490: #macro(renameCategory $category $newCategoryName) 491: #set($categoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($category)) 492: #set($newCategoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($newCategoryName)) 493: #set($parameterValues = ["$!{category}"]) 494: #set($query = ', BaseObject obj where ') 495: #set($query = "${query} = doc.fullName and obj.className = '${blogCategoryClassname}' and doc.fullName <> 'Blog.CategoryTemplate' and doc.parent = ? order by") 496: #foreach($item in $services.query.hql($query).bindValues($parameterValues).execute()) 497: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $item) && $!{services.csrf.isTokenValid("$!{request.getParameter('form_token')}")}) 498: #set($subcategoryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item)) 499: $subcategoryDoc.setParent($newCategoryDoc.fullName) 500: $$services.localization.render(''), true) 501: #end 502: #end 503: #set($query = ', BaseObject obj, DBStringListProperty categories join categories.list as category where ') 504: #set($query = "${query} = doc.fullName and obj.className = '${blogPostClassname}' and doc.fullName <> 'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and = and = 'category' and category = ? order by") 505: #foreach($item in $services.query.hql($query).bindValues($parameterValues).execute()) 506: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, $item) && $!{services.csrf.isTokenValid("$!{request.getParameter('form_token')}")}) 507: #set($blogEntryDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item)) 508: #set($discard = $blogEntryDoc.getObject(${blogPostClassname}).getProperty('category').value.remove($category)) 509: #set($discard = $blogEntryDoc.getObject(${blogPostClassname}).getProperty('category').value.add($newCategoryDoc.fullName)) 510: $$services.localization.render(''), true) 511: #end 512: #end 513: #if ($!{services.csrf.isTokenValid("$!{request.getParameter('form_token')}")}) 514: $categoryDoc.getObject('Blog.CategoryClass').set('name', $newCategoryName) 515: $$services.localization.render(''), true) 516: $categoryDoc.rename($newCategoryName) 517: #end 518: #end 519: {{/velocity}}